rop and Chat Club- monthly retreat for Scrapbookers
Our monthly Crop and Chat Club meets once a month. We offer you 6 hours or 12 hours of scrapbooking (10-4 or 4-10 or 10am-10pm in our picturesque waterfront Pavilion in Ajax.. We provide a large cropping space, beverages, homemade lunch and/or dinner, snacks, a swap table, tool table and door prizes. All for $30 or $50. Why not consider purchasing one of our crops for a friend’s birthday. You know THAT friend. The one that always says they would love to try scrapbooking but don’t have the time. Why not buy them the time and then you can be proud to get another person hooked on scrapbooking! It’s a win-win situation! For our out of town croppers who may be too tired to drive after 10pm or if you are wanting to make a girls night of it, we have a Super 8 Motel which is about a 4 minute drive from the Pavilion. You will find a link to them on the website. Our upcoming dates and more information can be found on the website at